Make Some Noise for the Environment

Let’s help our ecosystem!  How? Well, with music.  That’s right.  Music.  At least, that’s how the Campus Consciousness Tour plans to do it.  Alright… let’s step back for a few minutes.  Have you ever heard of the band “Guster”?  They are an alternative rock band that formed in 1991 in Massachusetts.  Check out the title song to their first album, “Parachute,” along with the rest of the album here.

Anyway, Adam Gardner, who played guitar and sang for the band, and his wife, Lauren, saw what was left behind from one of their shows, how absolutely 3738821611_f925ae6305_otrashed it was, and decided to do something about it.  They started a non-profit organization called REVERB.  REVERB’s goal is to educate artists and their fans about environmental sustainability in order to keep our world from turning into a giant landfill.

“Engaging musicians and their fans to take action toward a more sustainable future.”  That comes straight from the REVERB “What We Do” page.  What they do is partner with bands that people know, musicians that the public follows, in order to promote a healthier way of living.  They believe that “a lot of people doing some things with have more impact than a few people doing everything.” Beyond just partnering with bands, they partner with brands and other non-profits that all share a similar message.   Nalgene, Clif, Stonyfield, UPS, L. L. Bean to name a few.

So now, we fast forward to what I mentioned at the beginning.  REVERB started the Campus Consciousness Tour, where they partnered with bands and brands and toured through college campuses in hopes to educate the college population, the new voters, the millennials.  The Fall 2015 Campus Consciousness Tour reached 16 college campuses with 8 different nationally touring artists, the headliner being Nate Reuss of FUN. They partnered with NextGen Climate, Ben and Jerry’s and Headcount.  They helped students register to vote.  They asked students to sign pledges that they would be more conscious about how they treat the environment.

Now, how does all of this have anything to do with interdisciplinarity?  Well, everything.  It’s a huge success for the interdisciplinary community.  A non-profit environmental sustainability organization started by a touring musician that partners with bands and brands and non-profits in order to raise awareness of the environment?  I’d challenge anyone to tell me how that fits into one discipline.  You have the famous musicians that use their power of communication to make people listen.  You have the behind-the-scenes planners, marketers, logistic coordinators, and everyone else that is involved in planning a giant tour.  You have the businesses like Ben and Jerry’s that promote a healthier business ethic.  There are the environmentalists that are searching for all the different ways to help the environment.  Each of these different people come from a different discipline but I can’t imagine this tour, or even this organization, would survive without each and every one of the people that is a part of it.  Please, go check out the REVERB website.  Learn more about them and their goals.   Make some noise in favor of the environment.


A Cromwell, One group trashed the park more than I’ve ever seen. 2009,


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One thought on “Make Some Noise for the Environment

  1. Great story! Come see me sometime so I can show you a better way to do the photo citations (with captions rather than massive links at the bottom of the page). Thanks for the good read– I had never heard of REVERB, and enjoyed learning about it!


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